Angela Tian


I’m a software engineer with a passion for cloud-based development based in Vancouver, BC. My main areas of focus are DevOps and Cloud, where I have worked in the field of DevOps for 2+ years. I g...


An assortment of various personal projects I have built during hackathons and in my free time. These use a wide range of tools, from Django for web development to using Unity and Godot for game dev...


A collection of published web pieces I’ve written in the past between 2017 and 2018. These range from succinct album reviews to local event coverage, where my favourite reviews the solo show Self-i...


Games Gemini Rue Planescape: Torment Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Ōkami Yakuza 0 AI: The Somnium Files Wandersong Dragon Age series H...

Tell Me of Regret

Hands sealed in the thin envelopes of his pockets, he sauntered up the uneven, foot trodden path stamped along the incline of the hill. Eyes blinking fast against the afternoon sun, which painted t...


For it used to be the two of them, sitting back to back on the rooftop, leaning against one another like two paper-thin playing cards made to balance upright by a shared edge. They played the sile...


He lumbers, his gangly body leaning heavily, up an uneven slope inclined upwards for as long as his eyes can follow its length without turning away with deference from a whiteness that challenged t...

Soul Ballad

alone he dances, arms poised to embrace his demons, all of them slaves to the lonely, lonely waltz deaf to familiar lyrics, familiar only to an isolated pulse, they succumb five feet under with ...


He thought it absurd, how people could wait decades for that infinitesimal window of time when the watch radiated subtle hues of azure, marking the end of the countdown. He watched them, strangers...

Six O'Clock

His first thought was that it was Tuesday. For a while, he just lay there, sprawled across his couch and content to exist in the darkness behind his eyelids knowing nothing else. Then a stray shaf...